
Acquired savant syndrome




The brain is a powerful organ! Although these people experienced trauma, their brains compensated with some special skills.



What is acquired savant syndrome?



Acquired savant syndrome occurs when the brain responds to trauma. The syndrome refers to the new skills or abilities that emerge in a previously "normal" person, according to Mara Klemich, PhD, a neuropsychologist who has worked with traumatic brain injuries and in other areas of neuropsychology. These new abilities follow brain injury, stroke, or other central nervous system incidents, and even dementia. Although it's rare, Dr. Klemich saw two patients develop extra-ordinary skills, like drawing and painting, post-accident. Other common savant skills include calendar day calculations, math, art, and music, Dr. Klemich says.

后天性学者症候群,也就是获得性天才综合征在大脑遭到创伤之后可能就会出现。玛拉·克莱米奇(Mara Klemich)博士是一名神经心理学家,专门研究创伤性脑损伤以及神经心理学的其他领域。她解释道,这种综合征是指,原先的“正常人”会拥有一些新的技能或能力。拥有新的能力之前,患者遭遇了脑损伤、中风、中枢神经问题,甚至痴呆症。尽管这种现象十分罕见,但克莱米奇博士本人就见过两个病人在患病后获得了一些特殊技能,例如素描和绘画。克莱米奇还称,其他常见的一些特殊技能还包括历法计算、数学、美术和音乐。


One of the most common misconceptions about the syndrome is that these abilities can be in any area. Dr. Klemich, also author of Above the Line, says most cases express specific skills in only one of those areas. Even that is impressive. "The fact that extra-ordinary skills can surface postbrain-related injury or disease raises fascinating questions about dormant capacity potentially existing within us all," Dr. Klemich says. "The challenge, of course, if that is true, is how to access that hidden ability and skill without some sort of brain-related disaster." In the meantime, read up on five real people with acquired savant syndrome, and their skills.

对于后天性学者症候群,大家有一个常见的误解,即这些能力可能涉及任何领域。克里米奇博士除了是一名神经心理学家,还是《高于底线》(Above the Line)一书的作者。她称,多数情况下,患者只会在一个领域表现出特殊技能。她还补充道:“与大脑相关的损伤或疾病会让人的特殊技能浮现,这一事实不禁引发猜想,即人类体内是否存在潜在的休眠能力。当然,如果这种猜想正确,我们面临的最大难题就是,如何在避免大脑受损的情况下激活这种隐藏的能力或技能。”下面介绍的这五个人都患有后天性学者症候群,一起了解一下他们有什么特殊技能吧。


Orlando Serrell



One of the more well-known cases of acquired savant syndrome is Orlando Serrell. A baseball hit ten-year-old Serrell during a game. Although he fell, he got back up and continued playing baseball. After his headache eventually left, he noticed he could name the day of the week for any date. He could also remember the weather, where he was, and what he was doing for every day since the accident, according to his official website.



Derek Amato


Some acquired savants also develop artistic abilities. For Derek Amato, the skill is piano. During a game of catch, Amato hit his head on the concrete bottom of a Jacuzzi. The fall left Amato with hearing loss in one ear, memory loss, and headaches. It also gave Amato the ability to understand and play complex tunes on the piano, without any training. He was drawn to the keyboard in his friend's studio and played for six hours, Popular Science reports.

有的“后天学者”会获得艺术才能。对于德里克·阿马托来说,这种才能就是钢琴演奏。在一次传球游戏中,阿马托的头撞到了按摩浴缸的混凝土缸底,这导致他单耳失聪,记忆丧失,还会阵阵头痛。不过,也正因如此,阿马托才获得了可以不用任何练习就能理解并演奏复杂钢琴曲的能力。据《大众科学》(Popular Science)报道,阿马托被朋友工作室的琴键吸引,整整弹了六个小时。


Alonzo Clemons



Alonzo Clemons suffered a brain injury as a toddler, changing how he thinks, learns, and communicates. He also miraculously started creating lifelike sculptures from memory alone without formal training. After the movie Rain Man popularized savant syndrome, Clemons interviewed with 60 Minutes and the Discovery Channel. The exposure was great for his artwork, including his famous sculptures and oil pastels, which are now in fine arts galleries around the world. Plus, the art in these brain teasers will leave you stumped.

阿朗佐·克莱蒙斯刚会走路的时候就遭遇了大脑创伤,从此改变了他思考、学习以及交流的方式。他奇迹般地开始创作一些栩栩如生的雕像,而且全凭记忆,没有接受过任何常规训练。在电影《雨人》(Rain Man)播出之后,学者症候群得到广泛关注,克莱蒙斯也受到了新闻杂志节目《60分钟》(60 Minutes)以及《探索频道》(Dicovery Channel)的采访。这次采访出镜使克莱蒙斯的艺术作品广为人知,包括一些有名的雕像和油笔画,现在这些作品正在世界各地的美术馆进行展出。


Anthony Cicoria


Twenty-five years ago, a bolt of lightning struck 42-year-old Anthony Cicoria. The then-surgeon passed out but came back after CPR. He refused to go to the hospital, but checked in with his doctor and did a CT scan. All was normal except for lingering memory problems, like forgetting the names of rare diseases, according to The New Yorker. That changed a few years later when Cicoria suddenly, over a few days, had the intense desire to listen to piano music. Although he had less than a handful of lessons as a kid, didn't listen to classical music, and didn't own a piano, the music came to him. This led him to start studying music, but he couldn't grasp the classical tunes because other songs played in his head. He realized they were complete, original melodies of his own creation.

25年前,42岁的外科医生安东尼·科科里亚不幸被一道闪电击中,陷入昏迷,幸运的是,他最终通过心脏复苏术苏醒了过来。但他拒绝去医院检查,只是找私人医生做了一次CT扫描。据《纽约客》(The New Yorker)报道,除了一些经常性的记忆问题,例如无法记住罕见疾病的名称以外,科科里亚一切正常。但是几年之后,情况有所改变,科科里亚连续好几天都特别想听钢琴演奏。尽管他小的时候根本没上过几节钢琴课,也没有听古典乐的习惯,甚至连一架钢琴也没有,可他的脑海里面充满了旋律。这使他开始学习音乐,但是他的脑海里面都是其他类型的音乐,因此根本无法掌握古典乐曲。后来,他才意识到,脑海中的那些旋律都是他的原创。


Jason Padgett


Although many acquired savants have musical or artistic abilities, Jason Padgett's talents are mathematical. After an attack outside of a karaoke bar in 2002, the furniture salesman had a concussion, PTSD, and eventually mathematical genius, too. Padgett developed the ability to visualize complex math and physics topics after the attack, but he didn't go beyond pre-algebra in his studies. This syndrome is almost as shocking as these popular brain myths.






文章来源:Reader's Digest